International Conference & Advanced Course Program
Athens, GREECE
March 31-April 2, 2004

Organized by the National Technical University of Athens & the ERCOFTAC SIG on Design Optimisation

Advanced Course: Invited Speakers

Invited Speaker: Affiliation: Lecture Title:
Prof. Jacques PERIAUX Dassault Aviation, Univ. Paris VI, FRANCE A Multiobjective Evolutionary Technique for Optimization and Inverse Design Problems Applied to UAV Systems
Prof. Charles HIRSCH Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB), BELGIUM Multipoint Optimization for the Design of Turbomachinery Blades
Prof. Kyriacos PAPAILIOU Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines,
National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
The Design of High-Efficiency Small-Size Turbomachinery Components for Various Applications
Prof.Dr.-Ing. habil R. SCHILLING Institute for Fluid Mechanics
Hydaulic Machinery Dept.
University of Technology Munich, GERMANY
Multilevel Optimization of Turbomachinery Bladings
Prof. Petros KOUMOUTSAKOS Institute of Computational Science
A Stochastic Framework for Flow Optimization
Dr. Domenico QUAGLIARELLA CIRA, ITALY Aerodynamic Design of Classical and Innovative Configurations Using a Hybrid Assymetric Multiobjective Algorithm
Dr.-Ing. Edgar GERTEISEN DaimlerChrysler, Research and Technology, GERMANY
Issues of the CAD-CAE Interface in Optimization
Prof. Christos FRANGOPOULOS School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering,
National Technical University of Athens, GREECE
Approaches to the Optimal Synthesis-Design-Operation of Energy Systems

Conference Chairman & Contact Person: Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou,
Assistant Professor NTUA, Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines,
National Technical University of Athens,
Tel. (+30)-210-772-1636, Fax (+30)-210-772-1658,
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 64069, Athens 157 10, GREECE
Conference Secretariat:

Last Update: March 15, 2004