International Conference & Advanced Course Program
Athens, GREECE
March 31-April 2, 2004

Organized by the National Technical University of Athens & the ERCOFTAC SIG on Design Optimisation

Recent Announcements

The format for the FULL PAPER that will be included in the Conference Proceedings is given here, in PDF or PS. Read instructions for possible Journal publication in the same files. Latex files can be downloaded from here. Full papers are due by April 23, 2004 , i.e. three weeks after the Athens event.

The detailed Conference and Advanced Course Program can be downloaded from here.

The list of recommended hotels is now available.

The format for the two-page abstract is given here, in PDF or PS. Latex files can be downloaded from here.

Conference Chairman & Contact Person: Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou,
Assistant Professor NTUA, Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines,
National Technical University of Athens,
Tel. (+30)-210-772-1636, Fax (+30)-210-772-1658,
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 64069, Athens 157 10, GREECE
Conference Secretariat:

Last Update: March 5, 2004