ERCOFTAC DESIGN OPTIMIZATION: METHODS & APPLICATIONS International Conference & Advanced Course Program Athens, GREECE March 31-April 2, 2004
Organized by
the National Technical University of Athens
the ERCOFTAC SIG on Design Optimisation |
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Call for Papers |
You are invited to submit a paper for the Contributed Papers' Sessions in the Thematic Areas listed below
Authors of contributed papers should submit a (maximum) two-page abstract in PDF format to by January 20, 2004 (NEW, EXTENDED DEADLINE).
The format for the two-page abstract is given here, in PDF or PS. Latex files can be downloaded from here.
The extended abstracts should clearly mention the optimization method used, its basic features and should also include a brief description of the problem along with representative results. The submitted extended abstracts will be reviewed by two relevant scientists. Acceptance or not of the submitted papers will be notified by January, 25 2004. All accepted papers will be presented in oral sessions.
The important deadlines-dates of the Conference are listed here.
The extended abstracts of the accepted papers will be included in the Book Of Abstracts that will be distributed to the partipants at the registration desk. Full papers are due by April 23, 2004 , i.e. three weeks after the Athens event; of course, full papers are welcome before the conference as well. Detailed instructions and MS-Word/Latex templates for the preparation of full papers will soon be available on the Conference web-site. Electronic Conference proceedings will be available by May, 14 2004.
Authors are encouraged to submit. their full paper for further review and possible publication in the Elsevier Journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering" .
Conference Chairman & Contact Person:
Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou, Last Update: Feb. 5, 2004
Assistant Professor NTUA,
Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines,
National Technical University of Athens,
Tel. (+30)-210-772-1636, Fax (+30)-210-772-1658,
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 64069, Athens 157 10, GREECE
Conference Secretariat: