ERCOFTAC DESIGN OPTIMIZATION: METHODS & APPLICATIONS International Conference & Advanced Course Program Athens, GREECE March 31-April 2, 2004
Organized by
the National Technical University of Athens
the ERCOFTAC SIG on Design Optimisation |
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Submission of Contributed Papers - Proceedings & Journal Publication |
Authors of the accepted papers are encouraged to submit. their full paper for further review and possible publication in the Elsevier Journal "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering" . This journal publishes papers concerned with applications of digital computers to problems of applied mechanics and engineering. Papers are of advanced character, containing substantial contributions to these fields and detailing methods as well as results. Papers dealing with techniques of wide applicability, beyond the boundaries of the field in which they were established, are especially emphasized.
When submitting their full papers to the authors should indicate if they want their paper to be sent for further review by the reviewers of the aforementioned Journal. Submission of a full paper for possible publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering is possible under condition that it, or any translation of it, has not been copyrighted or published or even submitted for publication elsewhere. Upon acceptance of an article for the Journal, the author(s) will be asked to transfer copyright of the article to the Publisher. It is evident that papers submitted to the Journal will be re-reviewed by two independent reviewers, according to the Journal standards. However, the whole process will be carried out through the "ERCOFTAC Design Optimisation: Methods & Applications" Conference Scientific Committee (all papers should be submitted to, not directly to the Journal) and the time required for the review process will be kept minimum.
The format for the two-page abstract is given here, in PDF or PS. Latex files can be downloaded from here.
The format for the FULL PAPER that will be included in the Conference Proceedings is given here, in PDF or PS. Read instructions for possible Journal publication in the same files. Latex files can be downloaded from here. Full papers are due by April 23, 2004 , i.e. three weeks after the Athens event. ONLY PAPERS PRESENTED IN THE CONFERENCE WILL BE INCLUDED IN THE PROCEEDINGS.
Conference Chairman & Contact Person:
Kyriakos C. Giannakoglou, Last Update: March 5, 2004
Assistant Professor NTUA,
Lab. of Thermal Turbomachines,
National Technical University of Athens,
Tel. (+30)-210-772-1636, Fax (+30)-210-772-1658,
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 64069, Athens 157 10, GREECE
Conference Secretariat: