
Case Organization

Design Variables &

Search Engines

Evaluation Scripts

Parallel Evaluations

Run & Results

Results Desktop

Parallel Evaluations

The Parallel Evaluations tab specifies the evaluation mode: Local or Parallel (DRMAA implemented upon request). In local evaluation mode all the script calls will be performed in the PC running EASY. In parallel mode hosts of a cluster can be specified as slaves denoting the Host name, valid User Name and a Password for this user name and finally the Working directory for this host. In the working directory EASY expects all the script files defined in the Evaluation Scripts tab. EASY will create a many processes to the specified hosts, as defined in the Processes to spawn spinner. EASY will create one process per host initially, however if more processes than hosts are specified, once the last host is used EASY will start spawning to the first host again, then to the second, and so on.
For each host a directory wrk/"number" (starting from 0) is created in the specified working directory (the number is the internal EASY process number). The script files are called as ../../scriptfilename. So if a script will be used in parallel evaluation mode the user should bear that the working directory for each process will be specified_working_directory/wrk/"number", while the directory that contains all the scripts and executables will be the specified working directory. A typical script file used in parallel evaluation mode is as follows:

rm pre_process.dat data.dat post_process.dat

Each host specified for parallel evaluation mode should be running the EASY Parallel Evaluation Daemon. EASY parallel evaluation daemon is distributed in EASY CD. In order to install it click on the Installation instructions for your platform (LINUX, Windows, etc). Please also configure your firewall to enable port 7000, used by EASY Parallel Evaluation Daemon.

Inspect button is used to display information about a specified host. It displays the operating system and load average (in LINUX or UNIX systems).
Connect and Disconnect buttons are used to connect to all and disconnect from all the hosts specified, respectively.
Import List and Export List buttons are used to import and export, respectively, a pre-defined host table from/to an ascii-file, except from the password column.


In the hosts table CTRL+C and CTRL+V hotkeys are used for copy/paste operations. CTRL+DEL is used to delete a host from the table. A special hotkey is CTRL+W. If CTRL+W is pressed on a selected host (selected column can be either user name, password or working directory) all the hosts specified are assigned the same properties for the selected column (i.e. the same user name, password, or working directory).
Each process spawned is also assigned a priority. The priority id is equal to the internal process id. So, the first host has the maximum priority, thus receives the most fitness evaluation calls in case many hosts are available. In case the processes spawned are more than the hosts, each second process in a host has lower priority than any first process.