
Case Organization

Design Variables &

Search Engines

Evaluation Scripts

Parallel Evaluations

Run & Results

Results Desktop

Results Desktop

EASY v2.0 offers a variety of plot utilities over the results of the algorithm, either during the evolution, or in the end of it. To activate EASY v2.0 Results window during or in the end of the evolution, the user has to press the button Results Desktop in the Run & Results tab of EASY frame. Results are shown in real time, so no refresh command is actually needed.

Internal Control Bar

From the internal Control Bar, the user is able to select a level from the Level combo box and, by ticking in the corresponding check boxes, to watch, in independent internal windows, the algorithm's Convergence, various Charts (for instance the Pareto Front), the Variables trends and the Elites Table. More than one level can be viewed in the same time. For the internal windows tooltip popups are available, explaining briefly the view. However, as follows, each plot is analyzed in details.


In single objective problems, the convergence plot shows off the fitness value of the best individual (y-axis) towards either Total Cost Units or Level Evaluations (x-axis) with a red continuous line and points. However, in multi objective cases, the evolution in elites' population is analyzed in this plot. The four coloured lines appeared correspond to:
Cyan: Maximum number of elites.
Red: Current number of elites.
Green: Elites added versus Cost.
Magenta: Elites removed versus Cost.


Pareto front is a 2D plot, which shows by default the results on the first two objectives' space. However, the user may change the view, by selecting other Objective, Variable or Constraint from the X axis and Y axis combo boxes. This window is always disabled for single objective cases. The different coloured points correspond to the current and former generation:
Red points: Current front individuals.
Gray points: Previous front individuals.

Variable Trends

This window shows off the nondimensionalized variables' values (Y axis) of the elites, using a different coloured line for each individual (X axis).

Elites Table

On the control's choice Elites Table, the optimization results are displayed in columns which are sorted depending on the first objective value. Their number is equal to the number of maximum elit individuals to keep which is defined, for the corresponding level in the Evolution Parameters/Level settings/Population tab. Each time the results are auto refreshed, unless the user sets unselected the Auto Refresh check box. A selected result (column) may be saved to the disk by pressing the Save button or Save in task.dat format in disk, in order to have the opportunity to re-evaluate this solution by executing the corresponding batch file.


In all the graphs the user can save the image in the clipboard to use it in reports by right-clicking with the mouse on the graph. A pop-up menu appears with options for copying data to the clipboard and viewing the about box.